Nimble writer import to word

24 июн. 2020 г. в 11:41

How Do I Place an Image Onto Nimble Writer?

I have tried drag and drop and yet I have looked through all of the other buttons and I am still confused because I wanted to place an image or two onto my document. I know it's possible but nobody tells anyone how to do it on here, and I am very confused overall nobody had asked because this is difficult for me to understand.

Is there any button I press or something to add an image like supported files like a JPEG, PNG, GIF? Not sure about a gif but more than likely your standard image file. Please let me know if there is a way to make this work, thanks.

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24 июн. 2020 г. в 13:01

First you have to add the image by pressing the "add" button in the left panel, then you right click the uploaded image and select "embed image". Although, you will actually see it in your text only after exporting your work.