Our website is moving!

WA Police Force is transitioning its website to the whole-of-government platform at wa.gov.au/police. We encourage you to update any page bookmarks you may have on this website to its equivalent page on the new website as they will no longer be available from October 2024. We remind you to still contact 000 in an emergency. This includes immediate threats to people or property or if a serious crime is in progress.

Western Australia Police Force

Police Direct

Apply For Information

There are a number of products available for the public to obtain access to information held by the WA Police Force. Click on the below headings to access the relevant information and forms.

Information access forms

The CIC Report provides victims (or their representatives) with selected information held by WA Police Force about an incident in which they were a victim.

The report includes an extract from the Incident Report and a copy of the victim statement provided to Police.

This information is designed to assist the victim (or their lawyer) to assess the circumstances of the incident before completing an application for Criminal Injuries Compensation.

The report is available for any incident investigated by WA Police Force in which you suffered an injury (bodily harm, mental and nervous shock, or pregnancy). Multiple incidents can be requested for a single application fee.

Police investigations and court proceedings must be finalised before information will be released.

A fillable PDF version of the above form can be downloaded below.

Information Report for Criminal Injuries Compensation (Individual)
Information Report for Criminal Injuries Compensation (Authorised Representative)
Information Report for Criminal Injuries Compensation (Personal Representative)

Application requirements

Requirements differ where the victim or witness is a juvenile at the time of applying for the report.

Requirements for adult victims and witnesses:

  1. Completed application form.
  2. A copy of photo identification (driver’s licence, passport).
  3. Payment
  1. Completed application form or written application on company letterhead.
  2. Letter of consent signed by victim/witness of the incident authorising the release of information to the legal practitioner.
  3. Payment
  1. Completed application form or written application.
  2. Documentary proof of representation (e.g. court order).
  3. A copy of photo identification of representative (driver’s licence, passport).
  4. Payment

Requirements for juvenile victims and witnesses. Report not available for any circumstances not provided for in the below table:

  1. Report not available. Application for CIC cannot be lodged by individuals under the age of 18.
  1. Completed application form or written application on company letterhead.
  2. Letter of consent signed by parent / guardian authorising the release of information about the victim / witness to the legal practitioner.
  3. Payment.
  1. Completed application form or written application.
  2. Documentary proof of representation (e.g. birth certificate, court order).
  3. A copy of photo identification of representative and victim.
  4. Payment.


View the Information Report for Criminal Injuries Compensation fees .

Additional information

For assistance with your application, please contact Public Access on (08) 6229 5900 or via email.

An Abridged Crash Report contains information collected by WA Police Force when attending a traffic crash. The report is commonly sought by an individual or their insurer to assist with the recovery of loss. A Record of Crash Incident is only available for crashes that are investigated by WA Police.

The report will not explicitly state who was at fault for the crash. In most situations this is determined by intermediaries, such as insurance assessors or civil claims magistrates.

Information contained in the report may include the:

Note: If the investigation hasn’t been completed when the initial application is submitted, a follow up report is provided to the applicant once the investigation is completed at no cost.

A fillable PDF version of the above form can be downloaded below.

Record of Crash Incident - individual use
Record of Crash Incident - authorised representatives
Record of Crash Incident - personal representatives

Application requirements

  1. Completed application form.
  2. A copy of photo identification (driver’s licence, passport).
  3. Payment
  1. Completed application form or written application on company letterhead.
  2. Letter of consent signed by individual authorising the release of information to the representative.
  3. Payment.
  1. Completed application form or written application.
  2. Documentary proof of representation (e.g. court order).
  3. A copy of photo identification of representative (driver’s licence, passport).
  4. Payment


Additional information

Additional information, including edited copies of crash investigation documents and statements, may be available through Freedom of Information.

For assistance with your application, please contact Public Access on (08) 6229 5900 or via email.

An Abridged Incident Report contains information collected by WA Police Force about a criminal incident relating to a property or injury offence. This report is available to victims (or their representatives) and is commonly used to assist with the recovery of loss (e.g. insurance claim).

Lost property reports can be obtained for free via Check My Crime.

Reports relating to Violence Restraining Orders (VRO) or Family Violence Restraining Orders (FVRO) for court purposes can be applied via a Police Information Certificate. Prior to making an application please refer to the FAQ’s.

The information disclosed on this report varies based on the nature of the offence but may include the:
•Incident Report Number
•Victim’s name
•Time, date and location of the offence
•Description of the offence (e.g. burglary, assault)
•Description of involved property (e.g. stolen, damaged)
•Status of the investigation
•Offender’s name (only if convicted). Details of juvenile offenders and spent convictions cannot be released.

Note: If the investigation hasn’t been completed when the initial application is submitted, a follow up report is provided to the applicant once the investigation is completed at no cost.

A fillable PDF version of the above form can be downloaded below.

Record of Crime Incident - individual use
Record of Crime Incident - authorised representatives
Record of Crime Incident - personal representatives

Application requirements

Applications will only be accepted from victims or their representatives. Applications from representatives must be supported by documentary proof of representation.

  1. Completed application form.
  2. A copy of photo identification (driver’s licence, passport).
    N.B. If the applicant is the owner of a business listed as a victim, then proof of business ownership is required.
  3. Payment.
  1. Completed application form or written application on company letterhead.
  2. Letter of consent signed by listed victim authorising the release of information to the representative.
  3. Payment
  1. Completed application form or written application.
  2. Documentary proof of representation (e.g. court order, birth certificate etc. outlining relationship to victim).
  3. A copy of photo identification of representative (driver's licence, passport).
  4. Payment


Additional information

Additional information, including edited copies of investigation files may be available through Freedom of Information.

For assistance with your application, please contact Public Access (08) 6229 5900 or via email.

The CheckMyCrime service allows members of the public who were the victim of a property related incident to view the status of their investigation and to print a report, at no cost, which details the items recorded as stolen, damaged or lost.

A Record of Traffic Infringement Notices (RTINs) provides an individual with their record of traffic infringements issued by the WA Police Force in the preceding ten years. This record cannot be used to determine the number of demerit points against a licence. To find this information, please consult the WA Department of Transport “Driver’s Demerit Points Enquiry” online service.

Persons seeking RTINs exceeding 10 years must apply via Freedom of Information by clicking here.

Persons seeking their traffic convictions must apply for a National Police Certificate via here.

A fillable PDF version of the above form can be downloaded below.

Application requirements

Applications will only be accepted by individuals or their authorised representatives and must meet the following requirements to be processed.

  1. Completed application form.
  2. A copy of photo identification (driver’s licence, passport).
  3. Payment.
  1. Completed application form or written application on company letterhead.
  2. Letter of consent signed by involved party authorising the release of information to the representative.
  3. Payment.
  1. Completed application form or written application.
  2. Documentary proof of representation (e.g. court order).
  3. A copy of photo identification of representative (driver’s licence, passport).
  4. Payment.


Fees for a Record of Traffic Infringement Notices can be found here.

Additional information

For assistance with your application, please contact Public Access on (08) 6229 5900 or email.

A History for Court document is a complete, certified copy of an individual’s WA criminal and traffic convictions, including non-disclosable outcomes such as juvenile and spent convictions. This document is released strictly for court purposes only and cannot be used for any other reason..

For employment and licensing purposes, an application must be made for a National Police Certificate via here. If conviction information is required for visa applications, a Replacement copy of Statement of Material Facts (SOMF) will need to be applied for.

Application requirements

Applications will only be accepted from individuals or their authorised representatives and must meet the following requirements to be processed.

  1. Completed application form.
  2. A copy of photo identification (driver’s licence, passport).
  1. Completed application form or written application on company letterhead.
  2. Letter of consent signed by involved party authorising the release of information to the Legal Practitioner.
  1. Completed application form or written application.
  2. Documentary proof of representation (e.g. court order).
  3. A copy of photo identification of representative (driver’s licence, passport).

Application process

The completed printable form can be email to PublicAccess@police.wa.gov.au, or posted to:

Public Access
Locked Bag 20
Perth Business Centre WA 6849

Applications will be processed within five business days. Please allow additional days for postage.


History for Court documents are provided free of charge.

Additional information

For assistance with your application, please contact the Public Access on (08) 6229 5900 or email us.

A replacement copy of a Personal Statement provides an individual with a copy of their statement they made to the WA Police Force as a victim/witness of an offence, or as a party to a traffic crash.

Redacted copies of third party statements may be available through Freedom of Information.

Application requirements

  1. Completed application form.
  2. A copy of photo identification (driver’s licence, passport).
  1. Completed application form or written application on company letterhead.
  2. Letter of consent signed by involved party authorising the release of information to the Legal Practitioner.
  1. Completed application form or written application.
  2. Documentary proof of representation (e.g. court order).
  3. A copy of photo identification of representative (driver’s licence, passport).

Application process

The completed printable form can be emailed to PublicAccess@police.wa.gov.au, or posted to:

Public Access
Locked Bag 20
Perth Business Centre WA 6849


Replacement copies of personal statements are provided free of charge.

Additional information

For assistance with your application, please contact Public Access on (08) 6229 5900 or email us.

A replacement copy of Statement of Material Facts provides an individual with a copy of the prosecution document disclosed to them when charged with an offence. This document describes the circumstances of the alleged offence but does not detail the outcome of any subsequent court hearing.


This service is only available once the matter has been finalised in court. If you were not served with the Statement of Material Facts when charged, or the charges have not been finalised in court, contact the Police Station responsible for the investigation.

Applications for Statement of Material Facts documents relating to charges prior to 2001 must be made through Freedom of Information.

Application requirements

  1. Completed application form.
  2. A copy of photo identification (driver’s licence, passport).
  3. Payment.
  1. Completed application form or written application on company letterhead.
  2. Letter of consent signed by involved party authorising the release of information to the Legal Practitioner.
  3. Payment.
  1. Completed application form or written application.
  2. Documentary proof of representation (e.g. court order).
  3. A copy of photo identification of representative (driver’s licence, passport).
  4. Payment.

Application process

The completed printable form can be emailed to PublicAccess@police.wa.gov.au, or posted to:

Public Access
Locked Bag 20
Perth Business Centre WA 6849

Applications will be processed within five business days. Please allow additional days for postage.


Additional information

For assistance with your application, please contact Public Access on (08) 6229 5900 or email us

If an application to have a conviction declared spent is successful, it limits the disclosure of that conviction. For example, a conviction which has been spent is not listed on a National Police Certificate.

The WA National Police Certificate also includes an application to spend eligible convictions. If you are applying for a National Police Certificate there is no need to complete this form separately.

For more information, see our Spent Convictions FAQ’s page.

Police Information Certificate (PIC) is only issued in relation to Violence Restraining Orders (VRO) or Family Violence Restraining Orders (FVRO), reaching the Final Order Hearing before a court in Western Australia (WA).

The FAQ document can be downloaded here.

Application requirements

A PIC application will only be accepted from individuals or their authorised representatives and must meet the following requirements to be processed.

Applicant Definition Requirements (In writing containing these)
Individual • Person to which Order relates 1. Court Reference Number
2. Date of Hearing
3. Court
4. Details of Applicant
5. Details of Respondent
Authorised representative • Solicitor 1. Court Reference Number
2. Date of Hearing
3. Court
4. Details of Applicant
5. Details of Respondent
Personal representative • Parent / guardian
1. Court Reference Number
2. Date of Hearing
3. Court
4. Details of Applicant
5. Details of Respondent
Other Authorised Parties • Police Officer, Courts 1. Court Reference Number.
2. Date of Hearing
3. Court
4. Details of Applicant
5. Details of Respondent

Application Process

To submit your request, please email Interagency Access with the title: Application for Police Information Certificate.

For assistance with your application, please contact Interagency Access on (08) 6229 5900.


Police Information Certificates are provided free of charge.

Alternative process

The printable application forms below or handwritten letter containing the requirements above. can be completed by hand and posted to:

Interagency Access
Locked Bag 20
Perth Business Centre WA 6849

Family Violence Restraining Order (FVRO)

Violence Restraining Order (VRO)
