Have you lost your ATM card? Don’t know what to do about it? Do not worry. All you have to do is let the bank officials know that you have lost it and get it blocked or replaced or both. This article will help you learn how to write a letter to the bank manager to inform them about your missing ATM card. You can also check out the sample letters that are given.
If you have misplaced or lost your ATM card, here is what you can do. You can write a letter to your bank manager informing them about the issue and request for a new ATM card. You can write the letter in the format of a formal letter. You can start with the sender’s address and date, and address it to your bank manager. Mention the reason why you are writing the letter in the subject line. Use a salutation to greet the bank manager and then explain why you would like them to issue a new ATM card in the body of your letter. You can further let them know if you want them to block your ATM card so that there are no risks of money theft. Use a complimentary closing, your signature and your name in block letters to end the letter. You can also mention when you are expecting to receive your new ATM card in case you require it immediately.
Take a look at the sample letters requesting for the issuance of a new ATM card.
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