Veterans Benefits Manual and Federal Veterans Laws, Rules and Regulations (Bundle)

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Product description

This specially-priced bundle includes the Veterans Benefits Manual and Federal Veterans Laws, Rules and Regulations.

Veterans Benefits Manual is an indispensable guide for advocates who help veterans and their families obtain benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. User-friendly, well-indexed, and packed with practical information, it includes sample forms and briefs, flowcharts, checklists, citations to legal authorities, and other documents designed to streamline the claims process and save you and your veteran client valuable time.

Federal Veterans Laws, Rules and Regulations puts all the laws and regulations related to veterans law right at your fingertips. This fully indexed resource offers quick reference to important federal statutes and regulations contained in Title 38 of the United States Code Service (USCS) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), as well as all of the rules of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

The 2022-2023 Editions ISBN was 9781663347985.

Table of contents

Veterans Benefits Manual

Chapter 1: Introduction and How To Use This Manual

Part I: Disability Benefits for Veterans
Chapter 2: Veterans Basic Eligibility for VA Disability Benefits
Chapter 3: Compensation for Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities
Chapter 4: Compensation for Injury or Death Caused by VA Health Care or Other
Specified Activities
Chapter 5: Setting, Increasing, or Reducing a Veteran's Service-Connected Disability
Chapter 6: Pension for Veterans with Non-Service-Connected Disabilities

Part II: VA Benefits for Non-Veterans
Chapter 7: VA Benefits for Family Members

Part III: Rules Affecting the Amount of Benefits Paid
Chapter 8: Effective Dates for Awards of Benefits
Chapter 9: Special Issues for Disability and Death Benefits

Part IV: VA Health Care and Other Benefits
Chapter 10: VA Health Care
Chapter 11: Other VA Benefits

Part V: The VA Claims Adjudication Process
Chapter 12: Adjudication of Original and Reopened Claims by VA Regional Offices
Chapter 13: Board of Veterans' Appeals
Chapter 14: Common Errors in Final VA Decisions Denying Benefits and the Avenues
Available to Correct Them
Chapter 15: Court Review of VA Decision-Making

Part VI: Advocacy on Behalf of VA Claimants
Chapter 16: Reviewing VA Claims Files
Chapter 17: Effective Advocacy Before the VA
Chapter 18: Obtaining Military Records and Information to Help Substantiate a Claim
Chapter 19: Attorney's and Agent's Fees Paid by VA Claimants or by the VA

Part VII: Correction of Military Records
Chapter 20: Military Compensation
Chapter 21: Correcting Military Records

Federal Veterans Laws, Rules and Regulations

Recent Congressional Legislation
Sections Affected for the Code of Federal Regulations
Sections Affected for the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
United States Code Service
Selected Provisions of Title 38 Veterans' Benefits
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Rules of Practice and Procedure, Rules 1 to 49

Appendices, Forms 1 to 4, 46A to 46D, 46G
Rules of Admission and Practice (Appendix to Rule 46 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure), Rules 1 to 14

Internal Operating Procedures, Rules I to XIV
Case Management/Electronic Case Filing System (CM/ECF) E-Rules, E-Rules 1 to 13
Rules of the Judicial Council of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Governing Complaints of Judicial Misconduct and Disability, Rules 1 to 23

Appendix: Complaint Form
User's Guide to Index